Notice Type
Secondary Legislation
Notice Title

Te Aho o Te Kura Poumanu (Te Kura) Enrolment and Dual Tuition Policy

Pursuant to Section 68 of the Education and Training Act 2020

Date: This policy comes into effect on 20 May 2024.


This document sets out the criteria for government-funded1 and fee-paying enrolment at Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (“Te Kura”).2 It also sets out the criteria for government-funded and fee-paying access to dual tuition at  Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu.

To access learning with Te Kura, a student must meet the criteria as set out in one of the ‘gateways’ in this document.

Where enrolment is government funded, no fee for enrolment has been prescribed by the Board under section 69 of the Education and Training Act 2020, except the tuition administration fee for adult students. Tuition administration fees can be found on the Te Kura website.

Contents of document

  • Section 1 – Early childhood education enrolment
  • Section 2 – Adult and young adult enrolment
  • Section 3 – Full-time enrolment
  • Section 4 – Registration with Te Kura for dual tuition

Section 1 – Early childhood education enrolment

The purpose of the Te Kura Early Childhood Education (ECE) programme is to provide – as far as is possible – equity of access to ECE for children whose location, health, educational or personal circumstances prevent attendance at a reasonably convenient service.

Priority for enrolment

Government funded places in the Te Kura early childhood programme are capped. This may mean that not all children who are eligible may be able to be enrolled at the time they first apply.

Children whose access to ECE is limited by their rural location and geographic isolation will normally be given priority for enrolment. Children who are residing in New Zealand will normally be given priority for enrolment over children who are residing overseas.

Children approved by Te Kura as eligible for enrolment but for whom a place is not immediately available will have their names placed on a wait list. Waitlisted children will normally be enrolled in age order, oldest first.

Eligibility to enrol through an Early Childhood Education gateway

To be eligible for enrolment in an ECE programme at Te Kura, children must be:

  • domestic students3;
  • under the age of six;
  • not enrolled in a primary school, or about to be enrolled within the first two weeks of February that year;
  • meet the criteria for enrolment in a Te Kura ECE programme; and
  • meet the criteria for a gateway where a place is available.

Criteria for Enrolment in a an ECE Programme

Children may be enrolled in a Te Kura ECE programme where they are:

  • eligible to enrol in an ECE programme;
  • not enrolled in a licensed ECE service for more than 12 hours a week;
  • they fit the criteria for an ECE gateway; and
  • a place is available through that gateway

A child ceases to be eligible for enrolment when age or changed circumstances mean that the gateway criteria under which they were enrolled are no longer met. Te Kura must check in a timely manner when the child is expected to start school to ensure that funding is not claimed in error.

Schedule 1 – Early childhood education gateways (access category)


Entry criteria


Geographic isolation

This gateway is for children who are unable to attend a licensed and/or chartered English or Māori medium ECE service because of distance or inaccessibility from their home.

To qualify, the nearest licensed and/or chartered service must be:

  1. more than six kilometres away from the child’s home; or
  2. located behind a geographic barrier (e.g., an un-bridged river) that prevents reasonable access to the service.

Te Kura will apply prioritisation criteria to ensure access by families with the highest level of need based on distance and accessibility.

Government funded


This gateway is for children of families whose itinerancy requires a change of licensed and/or chartered ECE service each school term.

The minimum enrolment period is six months.

Parents/caregivers must provide, at the commencement of enrolment, an itinerary demonstrating that they will change location at least once per term and that each change in location will require a change of licensed and/or chartered ECE service. A written declaration to that effect will also be required.

Te Kura will review these enrolments every six months. For this review, caregivers will provide a written declaration confirming that they continue to meet the requirements of this gateway. Caregivers will also provide an updated itinerary to demonstrate continued eligibility.

Government funded

High health needs

This gateway is for children with a long-term illness or medical condition preventing their attending a licensed and/or chartered ECE service.

Caregivers must provide, each year, a medical certificate from a medical practitioner specialising in the condition preventing attendance, or a referral letter from a general practitioner to a specialist.

Government funded

Special circumstances

This gateway is for children who do not meet the criteria for any other ECE gateway but may be enrolled by Te Kura because of special circumstances. Examples of special circumstances include cases where:

  1. a sibling has a medical condition such as a bone marrow transplant preventing, for reasons of cross-infection, the child attending a licensed and/or chartered ECE service;
  2. the child’s caregiver has a medical condition preventing attendance at a licensed and/or chartered ECE service; or
  3. other special circumstances, as discussed by Te Kura and a Ministry of Education manager.

Government funded

Overseas domestic (ECE)

This gateway is for children temporarily travelling or residing overseas who cannot otherwise access a local ECE service. Enrolments through this gateway are at the discretion of Te Kura and children residing in New Zealand will be given priority over overseas enrolments.

Government funded

Schedule 2 – Early childhood education gateways (referral category)


Entry criteria


Learning support needs

This gateway is for children with learning support needs that are unable to be met by a licensed and/or chartered ECE service within a reasonable distance or travel time from their home.

Caregivers must provide a Ministry of Education – Learning Support report detailing the nature of the child’s learning support and immediate teaching needs. This report will include verification that no locally available service is able to meet the child’s learning support needs.

Government funded

Special circumstances – Ministry of Education referral

This gateway is for children who do not meet the criteria for any other ECE gateway. Referrals through this gateway are at the discretion of the Ministry of Education.

Referrals much be signed off by a Ministry of Education Manager who must be satisfied that:

  1. the child’s family/whānau face multiple barriers (e.g., transport and cultural barriers) in accessing a local face-to-face ECE service that meets their needs; and/or
  2. there is a high probability that without access to Te Kura, the child will have no, or less than optimal, access to ECE.

The Ministry referral letter must:

  1. clearly state how the child’s enrolment in Te Kura meets these criteria; and
  2. set a date for Ministry review to ascertain whether the enrolment in ECE by distance education is still required for the child.

Government funded

Section 2 – Adult and young adult enrolment

The purpose of adult enrolment in secondary schooling at Te Kura is to provide foundation skills or “second chance” education. That is, individuals are afforded the opportunity to gain NCEA qualifications that they did not gain when they first attended secondary school as a regular student.

The purpose of young adult enrolment at Te Kura is to provide access to secondary schooling for students over the age of 16 who are not attending a school full-time.

Eligibility to enrol through the adult and young adult gateways

Students may be enrolled with Te Kura as an adult student, or as a young adult student, where they are: a domestic student4; and resident in New Zealand.

Adults and young adults who meet the criteria specified within the relevant gateway may self-refer for enrolment.

Schedule 1 – Adult and young adult gateways (access category)


Entry criteria


Young adult

This gateway is for students who are 16 to 19 years of age and are not attending a school full-time. If a student is attending a youth guarantee funded course, or a fees-free tertiary course, they will be ineligible to enrol through this gateway.

Students enrolled under this gateway may remain enrolled up to and including the end of the school year in which the student turns 19 years of age.

Government funded


This gateway is for adult students who are 20 years of age or over during the year of enrolment and are not attending a school full-time.

Adult students will be charged a tuition administration fee (excluding students enrolled by the Department of Corrections).

The course of study in which the adult student is enrolled must assist the student to reach the following minimum goals:

  1. a NZQA qualification; or
  2. NCEA Level 1.

Students enrolled under this gateway may remain enrolled until all assessments for the courses for which they are enrolled are complete or until the end of the calendar year in which they were enrolled, whichever is the sooner.

Government funded

Section 3 – Full-time enrolment

The purpose of full-time enrolment at Te Kura is to provide equity of access to compulsory education for students whose location, itinerancy, educational or personal circumstances prevent attendance at a reasonably convenient school.

There are two categories of full-time enrolment:

  • Access – a parent or student can make an application for the student’s enrolment; and
  • Referral – the application must be supported by referral documents, as specified in the criteria set out in the relevant gateway.

Eligibility to enrol

Students aged 5–19, (or up to aged 21 with Ongoing Resourcing Scheme funding or a section 37 agreement), may be enrolled in a full-time primary or secondary programme at Te Kura where they meet the entry criteria for one of the enrolment gateways identified.

Except for students enrolled in the engagement and wellbeing gateway, eligibility ceases when changed circumstances mean that the entry criteria for the gateway concerned no longer apply. Year 11–15 students whose circumstances change during term 3 or later may stay enrolled until the end of the school year in question.


Unless otherwise stated:

  • the minimum period of enrolment is one term;
  • educational profile of the student is to be provided to Te Kura within six weeks of enrolment;
  • the student’s continued enrolment is subject to meeting Te Kura’s engagement and tuition requirements (if students are found to be ineligible for continued enrolment, they will be withdrawn);
  • all enrolments must be reviewed by Te Kura on an annual basis or as otherwise specified for a specific category;
  • the student must be resident in New Zealand; and
  • the student must be a domestic student5.

Schedule 1 – Full-time enrolment gateways for Year 1–15 (access category)


Entry Criteria


Exceptional arts or sports performance

This gateway is for students who are an elite athlete, dancer, musician, sports person or an outstanding actor or performer whose development programme precludes attendance at a reasonably convenient school.

Enrolment applications require a letter of attestation from the formally constituted and recognised national body for the activity or from organisations designated by the national body to identify exceptional arts or sports students:

  1. attesting that the student’s exceptional attributes mean that they are likely to either represent New Zealand or develop to the top of the field for their age group;
  2. confirming that the programme planned for their development is appropriate and precludes attendance at a reasonably convenient school;
  3. advising the likely duration of enrolment; and
  4. providing an educational profile from the student’s previous school.

Government funded

Geographic isolation

This gateway is for students who cannot attend the closest state or state-integrated school due to distance from their home or other inaccessibility. Determination of the closest school considers the students preference to access kaupapa Māori education.

To qualify for this gateway because of distance, the student's address must be:

  1. 3.2 kilometres or further for students in Years 1–8, and 4.8 kilometres or further for students in Year 9–13 from the closest school and school bus route, and
  2. 2.4 kilometres from suitable public transport (as per the Ministry of Education's School Transport Assistance criteria).

Distance is measured over the shortest public road or pedestrian route from the home roadside gate.

To qualify for this gateway because of inaccessibility, the student’s home must be:

  1. located behind a geographic barrier preventing reasonable access to a school, school bus route or suitable public transport.

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu is the distance confirming agency.

Government funded


This gateway is for students who would otherwise need to change schools each term because caregivers are itinerant. The minimum enrolment period is six months.

Parents/caregivers must provide, at the commencement of enrolment, an itinerary demonstrating that they will change location at least once per term and that each change in location will require a change of school. A written declaration to that effect will also be required.

Children supported in a refuge environment are classified an “itinerant” as their living arrangements are tentative.

Te Kura will review these enrolments six-monthly and share any information about the status of students with the relevant Ministry of Education local office. For this review, caregivers will provide a written declaration confirming that they continue to meet the requirements of this gateway and an updated itinerary. Te Kura may request additional supporting documentation (e.g., from an employer) to confirm itinerancy.

Government funded

Young parents

This gateway is for students who are pregnant or whose primary care responsibility for a child prevents school attendance.

A student who is pregnant or a young parent, and otherwise eligible for free enrolment and free education in a State school, may self-enrol. They may also be referred by a school, caregivers, family or whānau.

Enrolment applications for pregnant students must be supported by a medical certificate, a certificate or letter from a midwife, or a letter from Work and Income or Ministry of Social Development, and where appropriate include an educational report from the student’s current or previously attended school. Where, for confidentiality reasons, this educational report cannot be obtained, Te Kura will manage this directly with the student, their caregivers, family or whānau. After the birth, the student may stay on the Te Kura roll until the end of the school year.

Students enrolled under this gateway who have the primary care responsibility for their child may remain enrolled as a full-time student up to and including the end of the school year in which the student turns 19 years of age.

Government funded

Overseas domestic students (government funded)

This gateway is for overseas domestic students (New Zealand citizens or permanent residents) entitled to free enrolment and free education at any State school under section 33 of the Education and Training Act. Enrolment through this gateway is available for students who meet the following criteria:

  1. Continuity: Domestic students who are temporarily living or travelling overseas whose family can prove their intention to return within 2 years; or
  2. Access: Domestic students who are living or travelling overseas whose family cannot necessarily prove their intention to return / are going for more than 2 years but can prove that:
    1. there is not (or is no longer) a suitable or comparable option for education in their country of residence; or
    2. they are unable to obtain admission to a local school / would be impoverished if they had to pay fees; or
    3. they are a candidate for NZ Qualifications and intend to continue to an education pathway at a NZ tertiary institution.

Parents/guardians are required to make a written declaration in support of the student’s application stating:

  1. details of their intention to return to live in New Zealand;
  2. that no employer subsidy towards the education of the student is provided; and
  3. how the student meets the criteria listed above.

New Zealand citizens or permanent residents who have permanently emigrated overseas and do not intend to return to New Zealand to live are not eligible to enrol with Te Kura through this gateway.

Usually, applications should be submitted within 12 months of departure from New Zealand and students should have been resident in New Zealand for two or more consecutive years prior to their initial application. However, it is permissible to apply for enrolment outside of these time limits in situations where circumstances have significantly changed.

Government funded

Overseas domestic students (fee-paying)

This gateway is for domestic students who:

  1. are aged 16 or over; and
  2. are not currently resident in New Zealand; and
  3. not meet the entry criteria for the government funded overseas domestic students gateway.

Fee-paying; student charged

Overseas international students

This gateway is for international students who:

  1. are not currently resident in New Zealand;
  2. not studying NCEA level qualifications.

Fee-paying; student charged

Schedule 2 – Full-time enrolment gateways for Year 1–15 (referral category)


Entry Criteria


Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children

For students who are in the custody and/or guardianship of Oranga Tamariki and cannot attend a local school.

Oranga Tamariki are the referral agency, and all such enrolments require the approval of a manager. The Oranga Tamariki referral letter must:

  1. clearly state the supervision arrangements for the student’s study with Te Kura;
  2. nominate an Oranga Tamariki contact person;
  3. provide an educational profile (where available), and the name of the previous school; and
  4. set a review period for ascertaining whether a face-to-face schooling option is available and appropriate.

Government funded

Engagement and wellbeing

This gateway is for learners who have been, or are at risk of, disengaging from school.

This includes:

  1. Learners who are non-enrolled, excluded or expelled.
  2. Learners who have psychological or psycho-social needs that are not being met within their current learning environment.

The Ministry of Education is the referral agency for this gateway. All enrolments must be assessed by a Ministry of Education Integrated Team and all referrals at its discretion must be signed-off by a Ministry manager.

The Ministry referral letter must:

  1. clearly state the educationally appropriate supervision arrangements for the student’s study with Te Kura;
  2. provide an educational profile, including all known information about the learners needs and the name of their previous school;
  3. include a support/education plan, with the goal of reintegrating back to mainstream education where possible;
  4. confirm how a relationship with a reasonably convenient local school might be maintained while the student is enrolled with Te Kura. This may include pastoral care, learning support, or involvement in extracurricular activities; and
  5. set a review period for ascertaining whether a face-to-face schooling option is either still unavailable or inappropriate.

Government funded

Culturally enriched experience pathway

This gateway is for referred ākonga in years 9–11 who are at risk of becoming further disengaged from school.

The Ministry of Education is the referral agency and all referrals at its discretion must be signed off by the Manager of Integrated Service for the Wellington North, Tawa and Porirua region.

This gateway is limited to 15 students per year.

Government funded

Section 4 – Dual tuition registration

The purpose of government funded dual tuition is to provide for curriculum adaptation and curriculum capability. The curriculum adaptation category covers circumstances where the school at which a student is enrolled is unable to provide the required specialist programming or curriculum adaptation. The purpose of the curriculum capability category is generally to enable smaller schools to provide a full and balanced curriculum.

Fee-paying access to dual tuition is also available in certain circumstances, as set out in the gateways below.

Eligibility for government funded dual tuition

All state and state-integrated schools, and the private schools listed in the definition below, may register domestic students6 in Years 1–15 (aged 5–19 or up to aged 21 with Ongoing Resourcing Scheme funding or a section 37 agreement) with Te Kura for supplementary government funded dual tuition where the entry criteria for one of the registration gateways set out below are met.

Where dual tuition is government funded, no fee has been prescribed by the Board of Te Kura under section 69 of the Education and Training Act 2020. This supplementary dual tuition is additional government resourcing to that provided to state and state-integrated schools through operations grants and staffing entitlements.


The school at which the students are enrolled retains all legislative accountabilities, including for attendance, while its students are registered for supplementary dual tuition from Te Kura. Students registered with Te Kura must attend the school that they are enrolled in on a full-time basis.

All supplementary government funded dual tuition arrangements are subject to a Dual Provider Partnership Agreement being in place between the registering school or home education family and Te Kura. The Partnership Agreement defines the tuition, supervision and support responsibilities of both parties and the circumstances in which these dual tuition arrangements may be terminated by Te Kura.

Parents/caregivers must be made aware of dual tuition arrangements, by the registering school, prior to the student’s registration with Te Kura.

Students registering under the Summer School gateway, or their parents/caregivers, may initiate registration themselves and retain accountability for supervision and support.

Students for whom dual tuition is terminated by Te Kura, because its return of work and/or course completion requirements have not been met, cannot be re-registered for the course or programme concerned that school year.


Unless otherwise stated:

  • the minimum period of tuition is one school term or a period of Summer School; and
  • all dual tuition arrangements, except those for Regional Health School students, cease automatically at the end of each school year; and
  • Summer School enrolments will cease automatically at the end of the Summer School period.


These education type definitions apply to the Schedules:

Education type



All state and state-integrated schools, and the private schools listed below, whose registration covers the year group in question, and specialist institutions.

Note: This category excludes home-educated students.

Private Schools

Government funded access will be retained for the private schools listed below due to the schools’ character and role in supporting vulnerable children and young people. These private schools are:

  1. Ambury Park Centre;
  2. Odyssey House; and
  3. Hohepa School.

Regional Health School

The Northern, Central and Southern Regional Health Schools.

Specialist schools

All state specialist schools.

Kūra kaupapa Māori

A school designated as a Kūra kaupapa Māori under section 201 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

Designated character school

A school designated under section 204 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

Māori Medium School or unit

A school or unit where Level 1 and 2 Te Reo Māori is the principal language of instruction.

Attached unit

Any Teen Parent Unit, Activity Centre or Alternative Education programme that is the responsibility of a Board of Trustees of a state or state-integrated school.

Specialist institutions

The following Oranga Tamariki contracted Care and Protection and/or Youth Justice Residences:

  1. Epuni Education Programme (MoE No. 4934)
  2. CLS Residential Youth Justice Education Programme (MoE No. 5570) Te Poutama Arahi Rangatahi Education (MoE No. 4930)
  3. Kingslea School (MoE No. 518)
  4. Central Regional Health School (for Palmerston North Care and Protection Unit) (MoE No. 1630).

Home education students

Students who are holders of a long-term exemption from enrolment under section 38 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

Realm Country Schools

Realm country citizens who are enrolled in state schools in the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau.

Schedule 1 – Fee-paying dual tuition gateways (choice)


Education type

Entry criteria

Subject limit


Year 1–15 students

Open tuition

State and state-integrated schools

This gateway is for domestic students and international students who:

  1. are currently resident in New Zealand; and
  2. enrolled in a state or state-integrated school; and
  3. are not eligible for any government-funded dual tuition gateway; or
  4. are eligible for a government-funded dual tuition gateway but are taking additional courses above the maximum course limit of that gateway.


Fee-paying; school charged

Open tuition

Private schools

This gateway is for domestic students and international students who:

  1. are currently resident in New Zealand; and
  2. enrolled in a private school; and
  3. are not eligible for any government funded dual tuition gateway; or
  4. are eligible for a government funded dual tuition gateway but are taking additional courses above the maximum course limit of that gateway.


Fee-paying; student charged

Open tuition

Home-educated students

This gateway is for students who have been granted a long-term exemption from enrolment under section 38 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (a home education exemption).

Tuition applications require confirmation of the long-term exemption from enrolment.


Fee-paying; student charged

Schedule 2 – Government funded dual tuition gateways (curriculum adaptation)


School type

Entry criteria

Subject limit


Year 1–15 students

Regional Health School

Regional Health Schools

This gateway is for students who are enrolled with a Regional Health School (RHS) and who require access to subjects that the RHS cannot provide in order to maintain continuity of their learning programme.

At the request of an RHS principal, a student already enrolled with the RHS may receive tuition for all or part of their learning programme. Subjects are limited to those offered by the student’s enrolling school.

The RHS must support each request with an educational plan detailing the learning outcomes sought, confirming that the student has appropriate supervision and advising the reporting and review arrangements for the student’s learning programme.


Government funded

Learning support needs

All (except specialist schools and specialist institutions)

For students whose school is unable to provide the specialist programming or curriculum adaptation appropriate to their assessed learning support needs.

At the discretion of Te Kura, dual tuition applications will be accepted where the programme developed in association with Te Kura, contributes to:

  1. overcoming barriers to achievement as identified through the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP); and
  2. the inclusion of the student in the registering school.

Te Kura will discuss applications and reapplications with a Ministry of Education manager.

Applications must be supported by a current IEP less than six months old and a statement by the school or institution on the learning support assistance already provided to the student.

Schools receiving this supplementary dual tuition support are expected to undertake a programme of development leading to the school being able to independently provide the specialist programme or curriculum adaptation required.

Reapplications for a successive year are subject to Te Kura’s discretion and must identify the:

  1. progress against the student’s IEP from the earlier dual tuition; and
  2. the further achievement and inclusion goals sought.

Up to 75% of learning programme

Government funded



This gateway is for students who have exceptional academic, creative, social, cultural and/or physical abilities and where the registering school is unable to provide the curriculum enrichment and acceleration required to develop the student’s abilities.

Applications must be supported by a current IEP less than six months old (which may be developed with Te Kura in anticipation of an application) that addresses how the student’s cognitive, creative, social, emotional and cultural needs will be met.

The registering school must provide evidence that the student is exceptionally able in the subject, including two or more of the following:

  1. a nomination from either the student, their parents/whānau, peers, or community;
  2. a teacher nomination using an observation tool designed for identifying gifted learners;
  3. a portfolio of the student’s work;
  4. PAT, e-asTTle or equivalent assessment results; or
  5. a report from a qualified educational or clinical psychologist.

The registering school must substantiate that:

  1. the dual tuition is essential to the student’s learning programme;
  2. it can appropriately supervise and integrate the tuition; and
  3. it is undertaking a programme of development to enhance their ability to provide similar enrichment and extension programmes


Government funded

Specialist schools and specialist institutions

Specialist schools and specialist institutions

For students whose specialist school or specialist institution is unable to provide the specialist programming or curriculum adaptation appropriate to their assessed learning support needs.

At the discretion of Te Kura, supplementary dual tuition applications can be accepted where it is evident that the:

  1. dual tuition is essential to the student’s learning circumstances;
  2. the specialist school or institution does not have the capability to meet the learning needs identified; and
  3. the capability required is beyond what could reasonably be expected of the specialist school or institution.

Te Kura will discuss applications with a Ministry of Education manager.

Applications must be supported by a current IEP less than six months old. The IEP is to specify the required tuition duration.

All dual tuition arrangements are to be reviewed annually to confirm appropriateness and to identify the steps that the specialist school or institution is taking to raise its capability to meet the needs of the student concerned.


Government funded

Year 7–15 students



This gateway is available to support the reintegration of a student into a local school, including those who have disengaged or are at risk of disengaging from education. Registration through this gateway is at the discretion of Te Kura.

A reintegration plan must be included with the application. This must include:

  1. Evidence that the school, caregivers, and a Director of Education support the dual tuition arrangement;
  2. An outline of the roles and responsibilities of all parties who are supporting the learner; and
  3. A goal for when full reintegration will occur, or a date to review the arrangement and set a goal for reintegration.


Government funded

Schedule 3 – Government funded dual tuition gateways (curriculum capability)


School type

Entry criteria

Subject limit


Year 1–15 students

Emergency staff vacancy


Where a school has an emergency staff vacancy and no suitable applicants are available.

Te Kura may approve Year 1–15 class dual tuition as an emergency measure subject to the registering school:

  1. confirming that it is continuing to advertise the vacancy;
  2. organising classes so that a minimum number of students are receiving dual tuition;
  3. providing appropriate supervision and resources, including textbooks; and
  4. for Year 1–8 classes, confirming that Emergency Staffing Scheme assistance is not available.

Approvals may be granted for a minimum of four weeks and for a maximum of one school term. Approvals can be repeated on a term-by-term basis at the discretion of Te Kura, subject to the criteria above. Schools will be asked to provide evidence that they continue to meet the criteria as part of the approval process.

Te Kura will discuss applications with a Ministry of Education manager.

As approved on application / reapplication

Government funded

School Emergency


Where a community has suffered a natural disaster or other emergency which has impacted on the school’s ability to provide education to its students for a significant period of time (as deemed by the Secretary for Education).

Enrolment through this gateway is to be approved by the Secretary for Education.

As approved by Secretary for Education at time of emergency response

Government funded

Realm country schools

Realm country schools

This gateway is for Realm country students whose school is unable to provide access to subjects.

Registration through this gateway is at the discretion of Te Kura.

As approved on application

Government funded

Year 7–8 students



This dual tuition gateway is for geographically isolated schools with no access to Year 7–8 technology tuition.

The principal may apply to the Ministry of Education, through a Ministry manager, for approval to register the school’s Year 7–8 students with Te Kura for technology tuition.


Government funded

Te Reo


A principal may apply to the Ministry of Education, through a Ministry manager, to register Year 7–8 students for dual tuition at all levels of Te Reo Māori. Students may also register for a second subject within the Kaupapa Māori learning area.


Government funded

Year 9–15 students

Subject not available


School is unable to offer a Year 9–15 subject

This gateway is to enable schools with a Year 9–15 roll of less than 600 (excluding international fee-paying students) at the time of application to offer a broader and more balanced curriculum.


Government funded

Cultural exchange

Student is on an approved cultural exchange in New Zealand and requires subjects on return to the country that they are from that are not available from the registering school.


Government funded

Student transfer

For students who have transferred from another school during that year. The maximum period of dual tuition is for the remainder of the school year.


Government funded

Cultural affinity

Student has a demonstrated family or cultural affinity with an ethnic group and requires tuition in that language.


Government funded

Attached units

Activity Centres, Alternative Education and TPUs

Student is attending an Activity Centre, Teen Parent Unit or Alternative Education placement and the unit is unable to offer a subject.


Government funded

Summer School


This gateway is to enable short-term enrolments over the summer break between Terms 4 and 1 for students who need to earn additional credits or specific internal standards to complete an NCEA Level.

Students may register for a maximum of 12 credits at any one time through this gateway.

This gateway is limited to 1000 students per year.

12 credits

Government funded

Year 11–15 students


Small senior classes

School has only a small number of students studying the subject at Years 11–15 levels.

The maximum number of students able to be registered for tuition in any subject level is six per school. Te Kura has the discretion to vary this limit to meet the needs of rural schools.


Government funded


1. “Government funded” means government funding paid directly to Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu for the provision of education services to students.

2. Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu is a distance school. This Enrolment and Dual Tuition Policy contains the fixed criteria for enrolment under section 68 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

3. Refer section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 and the current Education (Domestic Students) Notice, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 29 September 2023, Notice No. 2023-go4495 and Ministry of Education Circular 2017/01 – Eligibility to enrol in New Zealand schools.

4. Refer section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 and the current Education (Domestic Students) Notice, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 29 September 2023, Notice No. 2023-go4495 and Ministry of Education Circular 2017/01 – Eligibility to enrol in New Zealand schools.

5. Refer section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 and the current Education (Domestic Students) Notice, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 29 September 2023, Notice No. 2023-go4495 and Ministry of Education Circular 2017/01 – Eligibility to enrol in New Zealand schools.

6. Refer section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 and the current Education (Domestic Students) Notice, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 29 September 2023, Notice No. 2023-go4495 and Ministry of Education Circular 2017/01 – Eligibility to enrol in New Zealand schools.