Notice Title

Proposal to Incorporate Material by Reference (BS1970:2012 Hot Water Bottles Manufactured From Rubber and PVC – Specification) Notice 2016

Publication Date
8 Dec 2016


Incorporation of material by reference Legislation Act Proposal Business, Innovation and Employment

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Pursuant to section 51 of the Legislation Act 2012, the Manager Trading Standards, of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, gives the following notice.


1. Title and commencement—(1) This notice may be cited as the Proposal to Incorporate Material by Reference (BS1970:2012 Hot Water Bottles Manufactured From Rubber and PVC – Specification) Notice 2016.

(2) This notice takes effect from the date of publication in the New Zealand Gazette.

2. Proposal to incorporate

Pursuant to section 49 of the Legislation Act 2012, it is proposed to incorporate BS1970:2012 Hot water bottles manufactured from rubber and PVC – Specification (“BS1970:2012”) by reference into a new permanent unsafe goods notice for hot water bottles. The notice will continue to incorporate BS1970:2012, as published in the New Zealand Gazette, 18 June 2015, Issue No. 68, Notice No. 2015-go3520.

3. Inspection Sites

    1. The proposed material, BS1970:2012, will be made available free of charge, for inspection by appointment, during office hours at the following Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment sites:
      1. Auckland – Trading Standards’ Office, 502 Rosebank Road, Avondale.
      2. Wellington – Head Office, MBIE Building, 15 Stout Street.
      3. Christchurch – Business Service Centre, 55 Wordsworth Street, Sydenham.
    2. To arrange for an appointment to view the proposed material:
      1. Telephone: 0508 627 774.
      2. Email:

4. Date of availability

BS1970:2012, will be available for inspection from the date of issue of this notice.

5. Purchasing the proposed material

BS1970:2012 Hot water bottles manufactured from rubber and PVC – Specification can be purchased from Standards New Zealand via their website at:

For other purchasing options contact Standards New Zealand by:

Freephone: 0800 782 632.

6. Invitation to comment

You are invited to make comment on the proposal to incorporate BS1970:2012 into a new permanent unsafe goods notice for hot water bottles.

To submit comments, email:

Comments should be provided by Tuesday 13 December 2016 at 12.00pm.

Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of December 2016.

STEPHEN O’BRIEN, Manager Trading Standards, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Explanatory note

This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to indicate its general effect.

This notice declares the intention to incorporate by reference the British Standard, BS1970:2012 Hot water bottles manufactured from rubber and PVC – Specification, into a notice titled Unsafe Goods (Hot Water Bottles) Permanent Prohibition Notice 2016, to be published in the New Zealand Gazette under section 31 of the Fair Trading Act 1986.