Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice Under the Animal Products Act 1999 (Notice No. MPI 257)

Pursuant to section 41 of the Animal Products Act 1999,
I hereby give notice of the issue of the Animal Products (Emergency Control Scheme - Buparvaquone) Order 2013, which I signed in my role as Minister for Food Safety,
and the Animal Products (Emergency Control Scheme
- Buparvaquone) Amendment Order 2013.
The principle order came into force on 4 October 2013
in relation to persons affected who were supplied with
a copy of that order by that date and will come into force
for all other persons on the day after the day these orders are notified in the New Zealand Gazette.
The amendment order comes into force on the day after the day these orders are notified in the New Zealand Gazette.
A copy of these orders may be inspected free of charge at, or obtained at, the office of the Ministry for Primary Industries, Pastoral House, 25 The Terrace, Wellington 6011. Postal Address: PO Box 2526, Wellington 6140.
Dated at Wellington this 17th day of October 2013.
HON NIKKI KAYE, Minister for Food Safety.